Eagle Heights Bakery

Eagle Heights Bakery

Open 7 days – 9.30–5pm (including public holidays)
14 year-old sourdough, 30 different breads & flours
Serving the community for 40 years

100% Organic Breads
No yeast sourdoughs aged 15 years.
100% Rye.
100% Spelt breads
Gluten free Breads
Avocados and Cheese
German Beer bread
Spelt with red wine olive oil and goats cheese
Tomato and garlic
Pumpkins and caramelised onion
Pear and Cheese
Olive and Rosemary
all wine no water used breads
Ezekiel bread (right from the bible)
Burgan Rye
Mega grains with honey
Stone ground wholemeal
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